一、麦子钱包领取币安智能链的DEGO DEGO的NFT又可以领取了,这次是因为接入了币安智能链,本次采用空投+手动领取的方式。 大概意思就是以前领过DEGO的NFT的前15184个ETH钱包地址,直接空投和当前地址里面数量相等、登记一样的铲子,不需要手动去领取的,剩下的靠大家自己去领,时间是15日晚21点,总量4W把,领完即止。 上次钱包领DEGO的NFT让很多人不爽,因为高额的GAS费,最终很多人亏本了,但这次不一样,币安智能链不会像以太坊那么拥堵,GAS费也不会那么高,成本会减低不少。 我进去看了一下,等级V6的铲子是币安的创始人CZ的NFT,据称只能通过抽奖获得,而且只有20份! 目前很多钱包都支持领取BSC-DEGO的NFT,比如TokenPocket,MetaMask,麦子钱包等。MetaMask钱包需要自己添加Binance Smart Chain(BSC地址),网上有不少教程,不再赘述。 我说一下怎么用麦子钱包领取DEGO的NFT。 1、创建Binance Smart Chain钱包。 进入麦子钱包,点击右上角,找到Binance Smart Chain。 点击加号,创建,保存好助记词、私钥。 2、往钱包里充值BNB。 因为领取NFT是需要消耗部分GAS费的,也就是BNB,所以需要充值小额的BNB。 需要注意的一点是目前很多交易所都有BNB,但大部分没有BSC链的,比如虎符,所以你从虎符转到麦子钱包是没法的,最好的方式就是在币安交易所买BNB,或者其他渠道转到币安,并且选择BSC链。 3、搜索DEGO。 搜索DEGO,选择第一个就是BSC的DEGO或者输入https://bsc.dego.finance/home#bsc。 4、点击GEGO。 第一次会弹出关联钱包,会发现第一个是MetaMask,点击第一个授权就好。 第二个是其他。点击其他会看到麦子钱包,但是点击之后是进入一个网页,无法吊起麦子钱包,所以不要点。 5、领取NFT。 授权成功之后再点击DEGO,会弹出一个页面,提示:You have an NFT to collect,点击To receive领取即可。 二、SpaceSwap直播分享实录 直播主题:SpaceSwap:创新挖矿规则 提高挖矿收益 直播嘉宾: Vladimir Nikitin:SpaceSwap首席战略官,联合创始人、波卡大使,前比特币网站大使。 Jack Huang:SpaceSwap亚洲市场代表,联合国IT顾问,艾瑞康公司联合创始人,全球多个区块链项目的导师和顾问。 SpaceSwap介绍: SpaceSwap是一种创新性DeFi协议,旨在提升改善Uniswap和其他流动资金池(Curve,Compound,Yearn等),成为DeFi主要服务的聚合者。 SpaceSwap的附加功能和以MilkyWay(MILK)币形式发放的额外奖励让流动性提供者享受更优质的体验,这也让SpaceSwap从众多项目中脱颖而出,独一无二。未来随着SpaceSwap集中越来越多的主流DeFi协议,其本身也将得以提升,能够快速高效地管理加密市场的流动性。 SpaceSwap背后的开发团队尚未公开身份,就即将发布的协议,团队寄语如下: “我们的目标很简单,用一种协议统一DeFi市场。SpaceSwap将汇集最好的服务,提供持续流动性,一站式解决数百万用户的需求。DeFi即将迎来新一轮市场革命,还有一周的时间,加入我们吧!” 简而言之,SpaceSwap作为DeFi聚合器,有着强大的功能,为流动性提供者带来更多机会。用户在平台内存入加密货币就可以分配MilkyWay(MILK)治理代币。即使后来用户取出资金不再存入,MILK储备金仍会获得协议费用的一部分。 了解更多信息,请访问GitHub或联系SpaceSwap团队: https://blog.spaceswap.app Telegram:****/SpaceSwap Twitter:https://twitter.com/spaceswapdefi 第一个问题:What is the core idea of SpaceSwap? SpaceSwap的核心理念是什么? 答:SpaceSwap is a handy service for liquidity pool providers. It is a unique aggregator that unites all the major DeFi protocols in a one-stop station. The project attracted a lot of attention from the very start, thanks to its outstanding features and the promise it offers. Firstly, it changes the principles of yield farming as they stand. While Uniswap brings you earnings for as long as you keep your assets in its liquidity pools, SpaceSwap’s pools bring their holders profit from all of the DeFi protocols simultaneously. Secondly, the SpaceSwap team received a lot of early requests because of their unique multi-layer incentivization model. 译:对于流动性池提供商来说,SpaceSwap是一种方便的服务。 它是一个独特的聚合器,将所有主要的DeFi协议整合在一站式服务中。 该项目从一开始就吸引了大量的关注,由于其突出的功能和所付诸的承诺。 首先,它改变了目前的“农耕”原则。只要你将资产保存在Uniswap的流动性池中,它就能为你带来收益,而SpaceSwap的流动性池则能同时为持有人带来所有DeFi协议的收益。 其次,由于其独特的多层激励模型,SpaceSwap团队收到了大量的早期requests(requests就是一个基于网络请求的模块,可以用来模拟浏览器发请求。) 第二个问题:When was SpaceSwap launched?SpaceSwap什么时候发布? 答:The SpaceSwap DeFi protocol was officially released on 10th of September. The first day of its cosmic flight far exceeded the expectations of its developers. The MILK (SpaceSwap’s native token) liquidity pool showed amazing results in under 24hrs, reaching 13000% APY. The second version was launched on 25th September. 译:SpaceSwap DeFi协议已于9月10日正式发布。 上线的第一天远远超出了开发者的预期。 MILK(SpaceSwap的原生代币)流动性池在24小时内表现出惊人的结果,达到13000%的APY。 第二版已于9月25日发布。 第三个问题:What is the difference between SpaceSwap v1 and v2?SpaceSwap第一版本和第二版本之间有什么区别? 答:The SpaceSwap team prepared a lot of innovations for the second version of the platform. First of all, its team of developers improved the tokenomics model by introducing the MILK2 coin with a different issuing mechanism. While the first 10,000 blocks are being generated, 40 MILK2 coins will be minted per block. For the next 30,000 blocks, 20 MILK2 coins will be minted. And the next 60,000 blocks, users will share 10 MILK2 coins per block. After that, 2 MILK2 coins will be minted per block. This helps to decelerate the coin’s inflation and make it more stable. Thus, SHAKE (SpaceSwap’s other native token) is sky-rocketing, reaching a record $1,308 . Secondl of all, SpaceSwap 2.0 is no longer tied to Uniswap’s list of pools, allowing the project’s team to create a list of pools according to which ones the holders vote to keep in. Moreover, each SpaceSwap partner has the chance to have their pool added to the platform and listed. 译:SpaceSwap团队为该平台的第二版做了很多创新。 首先,其开发人员团队通过引入具有不同发行机制的MILK2代币,改进了币种模型。 在生成前10,000个区块时,每个区块将产生40个MILK2代币。 在接下来的30,000个区块中,将产生20个MILk2代币。 而接下来的60,000个区块,用户将共享每个区块产出的10枚MILK2代币。 在那之后,每个区块将产出2个MILk2代币。 这有助于降低代币的通货膨胀并使其更稳定。因此,SHAKE(SpaceSwap的另一个原生代币)飞涨,达到了1,308美元。 其次,Spaceswap2.0不再与Uniswap的池绑定,允许项目团队创建一个池子列表,根据持有者投票决定保留哪些池。 此外,每个SpaceSwap合作伙伴都有机会将自己的池子加入该平台。 第四个问题:What is the main idea of the SpaceSwap voting system and how does it work?SpaceSwap投票系统的主要创意是什么?它是如何运作的呢? 答:Galaxy is the voting system that has been implemented in the SpaceSwap ecosystem. The team from the project states that it’s always up to the users to decide which pools they’d like to see. The idea here is to help raise the level of transparency within the platform and encourage new, promising projects to put their pools to the vote. Here’s how the system works: After the generation of every 100,000 blocks, a vote is launched so that users can vote for thepools they wish to keep (pools that don’t receive enough votes are deleted). Each MILK2 holder can participate in the vote. The power of their vote is correlated to the number of coins they own. Pools that receive more than 50% ‘FOR’ votes will be listed. Each pool may function for two election periods (200,000 blocks) which guarantees the changeability of the projects on the platform. All in all, if a pool doesn’t pass the vote, it can always make improvements within the system and be put again to a vote later, after the generation of the next 200,000 blocks. This will give greater motivation to forward-looking projects. 译:Galaxy是已经在SpaceSwap生态系统中实现的投票系统。项目的团队指出,始终由用户决定他们想要哪些池。 这样做的目的是帮助提高平台的透明度,并鼓励有前途的新项目进行投票。 以下是该系统的运作方式: 每产生100,000个区块后,便会启动投票,以便用户可以为希望保留的池子投票(未获得足够票数的池子将被删除)。 每个MILK2持有人均可参加投票。 他们的投票权与他们拥有的代币数量有关。 获得50%以上“赞成”选票的池子会被上线。 每个池可在两个选举期(200,000个块)中运行,保证平台上的项目的可变性。 总之,如果一个池子没有通过投票,它总是可以在系统内进行改进,并在以后的20万个区块之后再次进行投票。这将为优质项目提供更大的动力。 第五个问题:How to get your pool listed on the SpaceSwap platform?如何在SpaceSwap平台上线你的池子? 答:To put a pool to a vote, one has to: Pay the listing fee of 3,000 MILK2 coins (coins will be burnt automatically). Have your pool put to a vote in the SpaceSwap Galaxy system. Please note that this does not guarantee an official listing - the community will decide upon the fate of your pool. Let users try it out and if they vote ‘FOR’, then your pool will be officially listed in the 12 Milky Planets. SpaceSwap has created for its users the opportunity to offer new pools; and for pool developers, it offers the possibility of having their pool listed on the platform afterward. Through this model, the community alone decides which pools they’d like to see advanced into the SpaceSwap ecosystem by means of a voting consensus, after having had the opportunity to try each one out prior to casting their vote. 译:在一个池子投票,必须:支付3000个MILK2代币的挂牌费(代币会自动销毁)。 在SpaceSwap Galaxy系统中将您的池子进行投票。 请注意,这并不能保证正式上线-社区将决定你的池子命运。 让用户尝试一下,如果他们投票“赞成”,那么你的池子将被正式列入12个Milky Planets。 SpaceSwap为其用户创造了提供新池的机会;对于池子开发人员,它提供了以后在平台上列出其池子的可能性。 通过这种模型,在有机会在投票之前尝试每个池之后,仅靠社区就可以通过投票共识来决定他们希望哪些池进入SpaceSwap生态系统。 第六个问题:What are MILK2 and SHAKE?MILK2和SHAKE是什么? 答:MILK2 and SHAKE are the native SpaceSwap governance tokens. Initially, SHAKE was pegged to the MILK2 coin at a 1:1000 ratio (1 SHAKE = 1000 MILK2). On entering the market, its price is expected to fluctuate, just as regular cryptocurrencies do. To preserve the value of SHAKE, we are considering raising its price (+10 MILK2 per coin) with each SHAKE coin minted.Only 10,000 SHAKE coins will be issued! 译:最初,SHAKE与MILk2代币的比例为1:1000(1SHAKE=1000 MILk2)。进入市场后,其价格预计会像常规的加密货币一样波动。为了保持SHAKE的价值,我们正考虑在产出每枚SHAKE硬代币时提高它的价格(每枚代币+10 MILK2)。 仅发行10,000个SHAKE代币! 第七个问题:What products does the project offer?这个项目提供什么产品? 答:To date, the main SpaceSwap product that has been launched is ‘Interstellar’, with its 12 initial MILKy planets. However, the SpaceSwap project has also launched many other projects. These are:Interstellar SHAKE Blender Gravity。 Projects to be launched:Shadow Index Strawberry MILK2-ETH is a Uniswap-based pool with the major cryptocurrency (ETH) acting as the fuel that allows the smart contracts to run. Today, ETH (Gas) is the main ‘treasure’ in the crypto world, as most transactions are made on the Ethereum blockchain with Gas as the fee. Pistachio MILK2-UNI is a Uniswap-based pool. UNI is one of the major hypes of 2020. Launched in September 2020, UNI demonstrates unfailing stability. The price is maintained at $5,reaching its maximum on Friday 18th September, after having recorded $7.80 for one UNI. It’s one of the finest pieces on the market right now. Orange NOAH-ETH is a Uniswap-based pool. ERC-20 NOAHP coin is one of the most promising coins on the SpaceSwap platform. It is the native coin of the Noah Project, with its outstanding digital city concept. Recently, the Noah management team burned 30 billion NOAHP coins and reissued them in the ERC-20 compatible form. NOAHP coin’s transition to the ERC-20 blockchain is a vivid indicator of the Noah Project’s ambitions and will also provide the impetus for a token price increase. ERC-20 NOAHP coin details: https://etherscan.io/token/0x41b3f18c6384dc9a39c33afeca60d9b8e61eaa9f Chocolate QDAO-ETH. QDAO is a cryptocurrency inside an ecosystem that works with USDQ, KRWQ, CNYQ, JPYQ as well as other coins. They all look to become a hedge ecosystem that helps traders maintain stability in relation to other coins currently on the market, which allows crypto owners to unlock the full potential of their assets. Blueberry YFII-ETH. The YFII token is the native utility token of the DFI.Money platform. Recently, all YFII Vault V2 products have passed a 3rd-party smart contract audit. That’s why this project is trustworthy and merits attention. Almond CVP-ETH. CVP, the token’s name refers to Concentrated Voting Power. In fact, CVP is a governance token helping holders to control the entire protocol. At the moment, the price of the coin has stabilized at $1.50-2.00, which makes this a great time to invest in it. Liquorice DF-ETH. DF is the utility token of the platform from the dForce network. It is used for transaction services, community governance, incentivization and system stabilization. Recently, dForce’s TVL growth showed the second result in total value, prior to post liquidity mining. Сinnamon ETH-USDT from MOONISWAP This is the first Mooniswap pair on the SpaceSwap platform. It’s also the first side protocol presented on the platform. USDT is a stablecoin that mirrors the price of the U.S. dollar. The price remains unchangeable, thanks to Tether who allocated the same amount of USD to its reserves. A great investment and zero risks for all beginners! Classic MILK-ETH The classic pair with high APY rates and stable profits. While ETH is the basis of the DeFi industry now, MILK2 is its future. A great combination. Raspberry SHAKE-ETH. To date, SHAKE is sky-rocketing, reaching a $1,008 price on Uniswap. It has become one of the most valuable currencies on the market. Cocoa ETH-USDT. The two most popular and stable coins on the market. 译:迄今为止,已经推出的主要SpaceSwap产品是“Interstellar”,其最初有12颗MILKy行星。 然而,SpaceSwap项目也启动了许多其他项目。 这些是:Interstellar SHAKE Blender Gravity,将启动的项目:Shadow Index Strawberry MILK2-ETH是基于Uniswap的池子,主要以加密货币(ETH)充当燃料,使智能合约得以运行。 今天,ETH(Gas)已成为加密世界中的主要“宝藏”,因为大多数交易都是在以太坊区块链上进行的,并消耗Gas费。 MILk2-UNI是基于Uniswap的池子。UNI是2020年的热点项目之一。UNI于2020年9月推出,并显示出了它的稳定性。价格维持在5美元,在9月18日星期五达到了最高值7.80美元。这是目前市场上最好的产品之一。 Orange NOAH-ETH是一个基于uniswap的池。ERC-20 NOAHP代币是SpaceSwap平台上最有希望的代币之一。它是Noah项目的原生代币,有着出色的数字城市概念。 最近,NOAHP的管理团队销毁了300亿枚NOAHP代币,并以ERC-20兼容的形式重新发行。NOAHP代币向ERC-20区块链的转变表明了Noah项目的雄心壮志,也将为代币的价格上涨提供动力。 ERC-20 NOAHP代币详情: https://etherscan.io/token/0x41b3f18c6384dc9a39c33afeca60d9b8e61eaa9f QDAO是生态系统内部的一种加密货币,可与USDQ,KRWQ,CNYQ,JPYQ以及其他代币一起使用。 他们都希望成为一个对冲生态系统,以帮助交易者保持相对于当前市场上其他代币的稳定性,从而使加密货币拥有者能够释放其资产的全部潜力。 Blueberry YFII-ETH。YFII代币是DFI.Money平台的原生代币。最近,所有的YFII Vault V2产品都通过了第三方智能合同审计。这就是这个项目值得信赖和关注的原因。 Almond CVP-ETH。CVP,代币的名称是指集中投票权。 实际上,CVP是一种治理代币,可帮助持有人控制整个协议。 目前,代币的价格稳定在1.50-2.00美元,这是投资的绝佳时机。 Liquorice DF-ETH。DF是dForce网络平台的功能型代币。 它用于交易服务,社区治理,激励和系统稳定。 最近,dForce的TVL增长显示了在流动性挖矿之前总价值的第二个结果。 Сinnamon 来自MOONISWAP的ETH-USDT。 这是SpaceSwap平台上的第一个Mooniswap对。 这也是平台上展示的第一个协议。USDT是反映美元价格的稳定币。 由于Tether向其储备金分配了相同数量的美元,价格仍保持不变。 对于所有初学者而言,一笔巨大的投资,零风险! Classic MILK-ETH 高投资率、利润稳定的经典组合。ETH现在是DeFi产业的基础,而MILK2是它的未来。一个极佳的组合。 Raspberry SHAKE-ETH。到目前为止,SHAKE的价格飙升,在Uniswap上达到了1008美元。它已经成为市场上最有价值的货币之一。 Cocoa ETH-USDT。市场上最受欢迎和最稳定的两种代币。 第八个问题:How can I get MILK / SHAKE?我怎样才能买到MILK / SHAKE? 答:To get MILK2 you can: Farm MILK2 on SpaceSwap by placing your LP tokens in your favorite planet. Buy it on Uniswap. To get SHAKE you can: Buy it in SHAKE BLENDER SpaceSwap. Buy it on Uniswap. 译:要买MILK2代币,你可以: 通过在你最喜欢的planet星球上放置你的LP代币来在得到MILK2。 在Uniswap上购买。 要得到SHAKE代币,你可以: 1、在SHAKE BLENDER SpaceSwap平台购买。 2、在Uniswap上购买。 第九个问题:How can you use MILK/SHAKE?怎么使用MILK / SHAKE? 答:ERC-20 standard MILK2 coins are used in: trading on any DEX voting for your preferred Liquidity Pool buying SHAKE voting on important issues regarding the development of the project。 SHAKE owners share 1% of the MILK2 minted coins - this reward is distributed after every 100,000 blocks generated, starting from the moment the project was launched. SHAKE token is conditionally stable and is pegged to MILK2 coin at a 1:1000 ratio. The SHAKE price rises (+10 MILK2 per coin) with each SHAKE coin minted. 译:ERC-20标准的MILk2代币用于: 在任何DEX上交易 为您喜欢的流动性池投票 购买SHAKE ,就有关项目开发的重要问题进行表决 SHAKE所有者可瓜分1%的MILk2代币——从项目启动的那一刻起,每产生10万个区块,就会有1%的奖励发放。 SHAKE代币是相对稳定的,并以1:1000的比例与MILk2代币挂钩。每产出一枚SHAKE代币,SHAKE价格上升(+10 MILK2 per coin))。 第十个问题:Why SHAKE is growing (and will it continue to grow)?为什么SHAKE会成长(并且会持续成长)? 答:To date, SHAKE is a rare and valuable coin.The SpaceSwap project announced that only 10,000 coins will be issued. Moreover, at the moment, only 2 MILK2 coins are minted per block. So the ability to mix some SHAKE in the Blender is also minimized. That’s why demand for the coin is growing day by day. 译:到目前为止,SHAKE是一种稀有而有价值的代币。 SpaceSwap项目宣布只发行10000枚硬币。此外,目前,每个区块产生只有2个MILK2。所以在搅拌机中混合一些SHAKE的能力也被最小化了。 这就是为什么人们对SHAKE代币的需求一天比一天多。 第十一个问题:What are the future prospects for SpaceSwap’s development?SpaceSwap的发展前景如何? 答:The SpaceSwap project is planning to develop and implement its new projects within the platform ecosystem. These are: Interstellar (launched) SHAKE Blender (launched) Gravity (launched) Shadow Index DeFi Software 译:该项目计划在平台生态系统内开发和实施其新项目。 包含如下项目: Interstellar (已发布) SHAKE Blender (已发布) Gravity (已发布) Shadow Index DeFi Software 第十二个问题:What is Interstellar?什么是Interstellar? 答:It is the Galaxy of products chosen by the community. Here you can stake LP tokens to farm MILK2. 译:它是由社区选择的银河系产品。在这里,你可以用LP代币购买MILK2。 第十三个问题:What is SHAKE Blender?什么是SHAKE Blender? 答:It is a place where you can exchange your MILK2 for the SHAKE super coin. It’s very limited and is growing significantly. 译:在这里,您可以将MILK2换取SHAKE代币。 它非常有限,并且正在显着增长。 第十四个问题:What is Gravity?Gravity是什么? 答:Gravity is for yield farming and is aimed at bringing stablecoin prices closer to their peg。 译:Gravity用于“农耕”,旨在使稳定币的价格更接近他们的限定价格。 第十五个问题:What is Shadow?什么是Shadow? 答:This is a brand new way to stake LP tokens. All tokens are kept by you. So there’s no need to send them back and forth, making this product almost gasless. 译:这是抵押LP代币的全新方式。 所有代币均由您保留。 因此,无需来回发送,从而使该产品几乎没有gas费。 第十六个问题:What is Index?什么是指数? 答:Index is a coin that will allow you to earn profit from the whole industry. 译:指数是一个让你从整个行业中获利的代币。 第十七个问题:What is DeFi Software center?什么是DeFi软件中心? 答:It is a space that is responsible for the collaboration and development of DeFi side projects. 译:它是一个负责DeFi项目的协作和开发的空间。 第十八个问题:As a DeFi aggregator, SpaceSwap has powerful functions and brings more opportunities for liquidity providers. What are its advantages or features?SpaceSwap作为DeFi聚合器,有着强大的功能,为流动性提供者带来更多机会。其所具备的优势是什么,或者有什么特色? 答:We have a strong development tech team. They are working so hard to do Yield Farming and DeFi spaces more user friendly and more easy, that`s why we are launching a new products, like Shadow farming and staking, it can help people to save their funds。 While MILK2 and SHAKE coins are increase their high scores and reaching the top price, the SpaceSwap rocket ship is ready for a new supernova. A Galaxy of supernovae, to be exact. The team from the project has always emphasized that finding rising DeFi stars is one of the core goals of the platform. That’s why SpaceSwap has created the opportunity to offer new pools and the possibility of entering its platform afterwards. Thus, all promising projects will get a chance to shine bright and become a huge bestseller. 译:我们有一个强大的开发技术团队。他们正在努力工作,使Yield Farming以及DeFi变得更加用户友好和更容易,这就是为什么我们推出一个新产品,如Shadow farming和质押,它可以帮助人们节省他们的成本。 当MILk2和SHAKE代币价格逐渐走高的时候,SpaceSwap已经准备好迎接一个新的超新星了。准确的说是超新星星系。 该项目团队一直强调,寻找冉冉升起的DeFi之星是该平台的核心目标之一。 这就是为什么SpaceSwap创造了提供新池的机会,以及之后进入其平台的可能性。因此,所有有前途的项目将有机会发光发亮,成为一个巨大的畅销品。 第十九个问题:SpaceSwap concentrates more and more mainstream DeFi protocols, which can quickly and efficiently manage the liquidity of the encrypted market. How do ordinary users' participate? SpaceSwap集中越来越多的主流DeFi协议,能够快速高效地管理加密市场的流动性。对于普通用户来说如何去参与? 答:Users help us with their attention and participation. Users can farm MILK2 tokens and make a profit from farming. The main thing is to make sure that you farm in a stable and strong pair of the liquidity pool. 译:用户可以投入注意力参与到我们产品中来,比如用户可以来挖MILK2代币,并从流动性挖矿中赚到钱。关键点在于你要确保你使用的是一个稳定且强大的流动**易对挖矿。 第二十个问题:How does SpaceSwap as a DeFi aggregator improve users' experience? What is the cost of Gas?SpaceSwap作为DeFi聚合器怎么提高用户体验的?Gas成本如何? 答:SpaceSwap is working hard to do less transactions on the platform, so users can pay less commissions。 译:SpaceSwap正在努力减少用户使用时交易的次数,这样用户可以少支付手续费。 观众提问:What's the total amount of MILK2?Is there an airdrop? MILK2总量多少啊?有上线CEX吗?有没有空投? 答:The amount of MILK2 is limited by the ETHEREUM network, but the reward is small, so we don't expect a large amount of MILK2. To get SHAKE, you need a lot of MILK2, which are burned. If the community will decide to limit the MILK2 amount, so it will be. We are expecting the listings on the CEX. No airdrop. 译:MILK2的数量受以太坊网络的限制,但是奖励很少,所以我们不期望MILK2的量很大。要获得SHAKE,你需要大量的MILK2,这些MILK2都会被销毁掉。 如果社区将要决定限制MILk2的数量,那么就让他们决定。 我们期待上线中心化交易所。 最后再提醒大家AKT在BitMax的IEO马上就开始了,要参与的抓紧了! 1、炒币请选择靠谱渠道,推荐几个交易所给大家:1、币安(申请了币安队长);2、火币;3、OK;4、Bitmax(IEO很妖!至少10倍)。 2、个人群已接近500人,有兴趣入群的可以加我微信:FOREVER_RONDO(拒绝开挂抢红包、无脑喊单、打广告者)。 —- 编译者/作者:爱因斯坦一撇 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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