1、溯源防伪应用 区块链登记结算在数据存证方面,具有不可篡改、溯源、防伪等特性。这些上链的登记流转记录,可以用来追溯和提供有力的呈堂公证。有关区块链溯源领域的项目有很多成功的案例,当然奢侈品应用首当其冲,例如钻石和LV包等等。如何去追踪钻石等贵重宝物的流向呢? 这个市场潜力巨大,欧洲国家每年因欺诈保险,保险公司损失几百亿英镑,珠宝盗窃赔付也很常见,如何去登记钻石等贵重物品的身份ID,成为了区块链技术应用的动力来源。 区块链应用可以联合钻石鉴定机构通过对钻石的颜色、切工、纯净度、克拉等等属性,为每枚钻石生成唯一的编号,通过上链记录流转过程,无论钻石是丢失还是失窃,这个钻石无法再次投保、交易,这样就达到了“滴血认亲”跟踪流向,溯源防伪的目的。 The registration and settlement of blockchain has the characteristics of non-tamper-ability, traceability and anti-counterfeiting in the aspect of data storage and evidence. These records of the chain of registration can be used to trace and provide a strong notary public. There are many successful projects in the area of blockchain traceability, with luxury goods such as diamonds and Louis Vuitton bags bearing the brunt of the impact. How do you track the flow of diamonds and other valuables? The potential market is huge, with insurance companies losing ten billion a year to fraudulent insurance schemes in European countries, jewellery theft claims are common, and how to register the ID of valuables such as diamonds, became the power source of blockchain technology application. The blockchain application allows the diamond authenticators to create a unique number for each diamond by identifying the color, cut, clarity, carat, and other attributes of the diamond, and to record the movement through the chain, whether the diamond is lost or stolen, this diamond can not be insured again, trading, so that the "blood" tracking the flow of trace, trace the source of anti-counterfeiting purposes. 2、行情解读 每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日10月14号21点12分11412美元左右,变盘已经到来,正在11000-12000美元的测试,目前处于回调阶段。从日曲线看10500-11400之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买入挂单持仓1.1万BTC(明面买盘较昨日多0.2万),上方阻力0.9万BTC(明面阻力较昨日持平)。 持续7个月的走势,接下来到了变盘的时刻,再次测试11000-12000美元高位压力点,冲破之后,大饼整体趋势上涨。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币从11305美元上升到11474美元一个相对高点。合约不玩牛市必来,合约理论上放大游戏的上下限,用户可以找到刺激,但是合约阻碍大饼的持续发力,继续震荡起来目前回调处于11412美元,相对指标USDT目前6.68。 3、小结 现在手机APP真的很犀利,拼多多买了7包每日坚果花了7块多钱,所以在技术眼前,一切抵抗都显得那么无力,同样在区块链时代提倡去中心化的某些产品,很难去摧毁。例如独角兽。 以上内容仅供参考,不提供投资、时间定投导向。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
区块链大型巡回播放【第78期】#溯源防伪应用# &“行情解读”
2020-10-17 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络
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