Busting crypto scammers one by one, and no more crypto scam forever ! Report all the crypto scammers, so everyone will know how a crypto scam is like. To be a learning lesson for all, and prevent from happening again. Anyone with resource/knowledge about the potential scammer, comment or contact [email protected] European man, name “Emil Pictet”, claimed to be the asset manager of the famous Pictet family, and leading the asset management company saphira asset management “www.sam-ag.com”. The man pretends to be responsible for investing in the blockchain-based project, invest in equity holdings as well as buying Bitcoin for the family business. Once the victim arrived in Holland. Emil Pic claimed that if the fund invested 2 Million, it will help to find the next round of investors and raise another round of capital at a valuation of 4 Million USD. The premise is that a bank account needs to be open in UBS, Geneva, Switzerland so that investors can deposit investment funds into bank accounts. He claims that their family has engaged in private banking for many years and will be able to expedite the banking opening procedures. Emil Pic also informed the victim that an investor wanted to pay 1.5 Million Euros in cash to complete the transaction of buying (1 Million euros in BTC spot rate + 10% exchange equity). Emil Pic also required a commission of 150,000 Euros as part of his effort of fund-raising. Emil Pic took the victim to a local cafe and asked the so-called investor “Christol” to give 1.5 million Euros in cash to the victim, which will be used to deposit in the bank for transfer and completion of the transaction. After the victim transferred the 1-million-euro equivalent of BTC in the café to “Christol” in exchange for cash, both parties left the cafe. Returning to the hotel, Emil Pic told the victim that there was a problem with the investor’s bank account and asked the victim to wait for him to notify. After a few hours later, Emil Pic called the victim again and said that the investor “Christol” had run away with the victim’s 1 million euros of BTC and the cash was illegal and fake money, because of the money he owed others. Immediately, the victim realised that Emil Pic have organised a scam case and reported to the local police for investigation. This group of scammers, led by Emil Pic demonstrated a co-ordinated scam, that immediately carried out a series of wash trading afterward to several exchanges that are involved. At present, the fraudulent BTC has been transferred through a well-known local OTC merchant, and over 20+ BTC have been successfully transferred to a number of exchanges, including Huobi, Coinbase, and Bithumb. More is still on the move. The specific path is analyzed as follows: Even till now, the Emil Pic scammer continues to threaten and harassed the victim's reputation and safety. The victim is currently taking active action against him and hope more people will be aware to protect against this scammer and his group's action. Anyone with resource/knowledge about the potential scammer in Europe, comment or contact [email protected] —- 编译者/作者:蓬勃杂讯 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-12-09 蓬勃杂讯 来源:区块链网络
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