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2020-12-21 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络


When it comes to decentralization, many people think of bitcoin. Yes, Bitcoin has indeed opened the door to the entire centralized technology. Bitcoin has stabilized this currency system through this decentralized technology; The decentralization of Ethereum has led to the standardization of application building and intelligent credit contract.


Recently, the very hot IPFS also adopts decentralized technology, and IPFS is decentralized storage. Storage is simply storage and preservation. All data stored on the Internet, such as our most common photos, videos, websites, etc., are represented by data on the Internet.


Being a miner is an opportunity for community members to help store and preserve the most important information of mankind. By providing network security and infrastructure, miners help build a more open, flexible and trustworthy Internet.

挖矿是一个通过巨大的网络为客户提供数据存储和检索服务而获得收入的新机会。矿工通过在 Filecoin 网络上存储和获取客户信息来赚取费用。矿工存储的客户端数据越多,它的存储能力增长得就越多。网络上更多的存储能力意味着一个特定的矿工更有可能产生区块并获得区块奖励。矿工可以选择是否参与存储权力协商、存储挖掘和/或检索挖掘。?我们预期许多矿工将在这些类别中提供重点的专门服务。

Mining is a new opportunity to provide customers with data storage and retrieval services through a huge network. Miners earn money by storing and obtaining customer information on Filecoin network. The more client data a miner stores, the more its storage capacity increases. More storage capacity on the network means that a specific miner is more likely to generate blocks and get block rewards. Miners can choose whether to participate in storage rights negotiation, storage mining and/or retrieval mining. We expect many miners to provide focused and specialized services in these categories.


The mining hardware you put on the network will not only provide network security and block production, but also provide useful data storage services for clients. This distinguishes the mining on the network from the traditional work proof network.

重新分配多余的存储容量来运行 Filecoin 节点,将您曾经潜在的存储资产转变为安全的存储服务。矿工提供的区块生产、存储和检索服务对生态系统非常有价值。通过将许多矿工和存储供应商聚集在一个去中心化的网络中,将存储供应商联合在第一个用于租用数据存储的算法市场中。

Redistribute extra storage capacity to run Filecoin node, and turn your potential storage assets into safe storage services. The block production, storage and retrieval services provided by miners are very valuable to the ecosystem. By gathering many miners and storage suppliers in a decentralized network, the storage suppliers are united in the first algorithm market for renting data storage.


The turbine honeycomb mining machine abandons the irresistible factors of traditional mining machines, such as clustering, pledge mining, long warehouse lock and return period, server, machine room and power consumption. Swiss mechanical engineers applied the acceleration principle of Beech turbocharged engine, and established a huge IPFS cluster by crowdfunding honeycomb miner to start AI intelligent honeycomb miner mode.


Turbine community consensus mechanism, creating a distributed storage network for the most important information of mankind, will build a new ecology of data value circulation, let everyone fully control their own identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automatic. Use mobile phone to decentralize APP honeycomb mining machine, and quickly open mining ecological model. Let 5.4 billion mobile phone users around the world have the opportunity to dig out FIL. Thereby promoting IPFS to accelerate global consensus and making FIL more valuable.


In the blockchain 4.0 era, with the advent of intelligent management application system, the turbine honeycomb mining machine is opening up a leading wave and creating a win-win blockchain era! The turbine honeycomb miner will reach an unforeseeable height! In the future, let us wait and see!


