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2021-07-19 WorldDatabase世库 来源:区块链网络

前言*:WD 自主网上线以来参加了全球训练技术矿工的关注,有俄罗斯、日本、以色列、韩国、中国、印尼等国家节点非常活跃,在 V1.0.0 版本中提出了很多积极的建议。和东京节点实验室的验证和积极推进下,特拉维夫节点实验室(节点实验室)决定推出新版本 v1.1.0,2021 年 7 月 19 日(GM+8) 08:00 AM 开始进行升级,本次主网升级代号:《伯利恒协议》*。

官方公告中文翻译:尊敬的 WorldDatabase (WD) 全球矿工:我们的每一次技术升级,都包括全球矿工的支持与合作;我们的每一次技术升级,都体现了技术团队不断完善 WD 系统的态度;我们的每一次技术升级,都体现了 WD 全球社区和节点实验室对项目开发的热情;我们的每一次技术升级,都宣誓了 WD 在未来存储领域完整的链行业成就新王者的决心和信心。感谢所有加入 WorldDatabase 的朋友。以后您一定会成为 WorldDatabase 的朋友。WorldDatabase 一直是人类数据的忠实代表而努力!

WorldDatebase 主网 v1.0.0 于 7 月 1 日正式上线以来,Node Lab 收到了许多积极的反馈,例如错误、电子邮件以及电子邮件和电报提交的建议。为此,在俄罗斯节点实验室和东京节点实验室的验证和积极推动下,特拉维夫节点实验室推出了新版本 v1.1.0。

新版本 v1.1.0 的发布,将为下一次 WD 在 WorldDatabase 系统整合的基础上进行革命性的技术分叉升级做最后的测试和准备。Node Lab 将其命名为“伯利恒协议”,作为自 WD 推出以来最重要的升级。以以色列基督诞生地“伯利恒”命名的升级协议,在 WorldDatebase 的技术发展史上具有举足轻重的地位。《伯利恒协议》一旦成功启动,将使 WorldDatabase 整个网络系统的运行效率翻倍。因此,WD 独有的“加密查看”技术可以使操作成为可能,这将极大地改进 WD 系统。存储空间的使用效率降低了存储成本,降低了矿工的挖矿难度。

WorldDatebase 系统将在上述时间升级 72 小时。请暂停打包工作,等待升级完成(期间奖励无效,以升级前区块高度数据为准)。

WD 系统《伯利恒协议》签订后,我们将为参与 V1.0.0 版本系统的矿工提供以下系统对接方案:

1、主网集群单元矿机不需要运行,等待集群升级和算力迁移到 V1.1.0 系统。升级过程中也会进行挖矿,但会影响生产,导致数量不确定。

2、对于非集群矿工,建议在主网 V1.1.0 完整升级后重新创建矿工。V1.0.0 版本系统将返还所有质押币。下面是具体步骤:

(1) 登录操作页面,查询矿机基本信息。截图吧(如下图:红圈中的两个数据应该是显示出来的)

(2) 按照教程连接到 v1.1.0 主网。重新创建矿工,保存新矿工的钱包地址。

(3) 复制新的矿工地址和截图。将它们发送到官方邮箱。质押的币将在 8 小时内退回到新钱包。

3、V1.0.0 版本钱包持有者(简称老钱包)

请在 V1.1.0 升级后重新注册新钱包。

然后在旧钱包中填写 V1.1.0 映射地址,系统会自动将硬币映射到新钱包。

V1.0.0 版钱包地址:main.worlddb.io

V1.1.0 版本钱包地址:mainv110.worlddb.io

(主网 V1.1.0 版本升级后即可使用)

再次感谢所有矿工和我们社区朋友的支持和鼓励。WorldDatebase 自 2018 年在特拉维夫建立节点实验室以来,经历了无数次重大的技术升级和行业考验。在运营团队和全球社区的努力和热情下,WD 每次都顺利完成任务,取得了更加显着的发展。相信,本次《伯利恒协议》在线升级将成为 WorldDatebase 系统技术发展史上的里程碑,也将圆满完成。它将逐步展现其在行业中的巨大技术领先地位,让 WD 矿工在未来获得更高的回报和更强劲的产出。

前面还有很长的路要走。谁会逆熊市?2018 年,当整个区块链行业处于最低谷时,WorldDatebase 共获得了 11 家科技风投公司的 1.2 亿美元投资,其中包括特拉维夫大学科学研究基金会和以色列最大的科技公司 Checkpoint。从此,向全世界证明了 WorldDatebase 在资本潮退去的熊市中也能表现出色。再次,这一次,我们相信《伯利恒协议》也将在整个区块链行业取得非凡的表现。

Dear WorldDatabase (WD) global miners:

Our every technical upgrade is inseparable from the support and cooperation of global miners;

Our every technical upgrade has shown the attitude of the technical team to improve the WD system continuously;

Our every technical upgrade has reflected the enthusiasm of the WD’s global community and node laboratories for project development;

Our every technological upgrade has sworn WD’s determination and confidence to achieve the new king in the future distributed storage field and even the entire blockchain industry.

Thanks to all friends who have joined in WorldDatabase. You will definitely be proud of WorldDatabase in the future. WorldDatabase has always been working hard towards the eternal mission of human data!

Since the WorldDatebase mainnet v1.0.0 was officially launched on July 1, Node Lab has received much positive feedback such as bugs, emails, and suggestions submitted by Email and Telegram. To this end, under the verification and active promotion of the Russian Node Lab and the Tokyo Node Lab, the Tel Aviv Node Lab launched a new version v1.1.0, which mainly fixes the following issues:

Fixed the issue of changes in the pledge currency curve. The pledge deposit amount is locked at 0.00047~0.0005 per 512Mib sector now; that is, the pledge currency is about 1WD/Tib.

Fixed issues such as FinalizeSector with Sector, FailedSectors initialization, sector pre-commit but expired, etc. These issues may cause participants to fail to operate normally or lose computing power for no reason.

Fuel cost optimization. The new PreCommitBatchWait command can merge transactions and significantly reduce fuel costs.

Fixed the problem that ProveCommitAggregate msg exec failed due to insufficient miner balance.

The launch of the new version v1.1.0 will make final tests and preparations for the next WD for a revolutionary technological fork upgrade based on the consolidation of the WorldDatabase system. Node Lab named it “Bethlehem Agreement” for this most important upgrade since WD launched. The upgrade agreement named after the birthplace of Christ in Israel, “Bethlehem”, has a pivotal position in the history of WorldDatebase’s technological development. Once the “Bethlehem Agreement” is successfully launched, it will double the operating efficiency of WD’s entire network system. Therefore, WD’s unique “encrypted view” technology can enable the operation, which will greatly improve the WD system. The use efficiency of storage space reduces storage costs and reduces the difficulty of mining for miners. This will undoubtedly benefit the WD miners and the entire blockchain industry, and help the WD global community ushered in the major development era, especially under the decline of Bitcoin after June.

The Bethlehem Agreement will be announced at the following time:

Tel Aviv time July 19, 2021 (GM+3) 03:00 AM to July 22, 2021 (GM+0) 02:59 PM,

Moscow time July 19, 2021 (GM+3) 03:00AM to July 22, 2021 (GM+0) 02:59AM,

Tokyo time July 19, 2021 (GM+9) 09:00AM to July 22, 2021 (GM+0) 08:59AM,

Beijing time July 19, 2021 (GM+8) 08:00 AM to July 22, 2021 (GM+0) 07:59 AM,

The WorldDatebase system will be upgraded for 72 hours at the above time. Please suspend the packaging work and wait for the upgrade to complete (the reward is invalid during the period, subject to the block height data before the upgrade).

After the “Bethlehem Agreement” of the WD system, we will provide the following system docking solutions for miners participating in the V1.0.0 version of the system:

1. The main network cluster unit miner does not need to run\, waiting for the cluster upgrade and computing power to migrate to the V1.1.0 system. Mining will also be carried out during the upgrade process\, but it will affect production and lead to uncertain numbers.

2. For non-clustered miners\, it is recommended to recreate miners after the complete mainnet V1.1.0 upgrade. The V1.0.0 version system will return all pledged coins. Here are the specific steps:

(1) Log in to the operation page to query the basic information of the mining machine. Screenshot it (as shown on the right: the two data in the red circle should be displayed)

(2) Follow the tutorial to connect to the v1.1.0 mainnet. Recreate the miner, save the wallet address of the new miner.

(3) Copy the new miner address and the screenshot. Send them to the

official mailbox. The pledged coins will be returned to the new wallet within 8 hours.

3. Holders of wallets of version V1.0.0 (referred to as old wallets)

Please re-register the new wallet after the V1.1.0 upgrade.

Then fill in the V1.1.0 mapping address in the old wallet,

The system will automatically map the coins to the new wallet.

V1.0.0 version wallet address: main.worlddb.io

V1.1.0 version wallet address: mainv110.worlddb.io

(The V1.1.0 version of the website will work after the upgrade)

Again, manythanks to all miners and our community friends for your support and encouragement. Since WorldDatebase established its node laboratory in Tel Aviv in 2018, it has experienced numerous major technological upgrades and industry tests. With the efforts and enthusiasm of the operation team and the global community, WD has successfully completed missions every time and achieved more remarkable development. I believe, this time, the “Bethlehem Agreement” online upgrade will be the milestone in the history of WorldDatebase system technology development, and it will also be successfully completed. It will gradually show its tremendous technological leadership in the industry, allowing WD miners to gain higher returns and more robust output in the future.

There is a long journey ahead. Who will go against the bear market? In 2018, when the entire blockchain industry was at its lowest point, WorldDatebase received a total of US$120 million investment from 11 technology venture capital companies, including the Tel Aviv University Scientific Research Foundation and Israel’s largest technology company Checkpoint. Since then, it proved to the world that WorldDatebase could perform excellently in a bear market where the capital tide has receded. Again, this time, we believe that the “Bethlehem Agreement” will also achieve extraordinary performance in the entire blockchain industry.


