由于是pdf格式,可能有纰漏,可以参看BlockCDN中文项目白皮书: http://blockcdn.org/pdf_cn.jsp 该白皮书描述了BlockCDN是一个去中心化的CDN交易市场。并阐述了如何使用Solidity运行在以太坊上的智能合约,通过区块链技术,呼吁全球网络闲置者将自己的闲置设备(如:PC 、路由、电视盒、Pad、手机等等)分享出来并提供上传流量,使互联网加速节点无处不在,让访问速度更快、带宽占用更少的 CDN服务。并分布式存储网站数据,让源网站更安全。区块链智能合约还保障了闲置宽带用户在不额外增加投入的情况下,分享闲置上网设备和上传流量而得到不错的收益。也让需要加速的网站主获得价格低廉、节点更多、速度更快的分布式 CDN服务。【玩币族(http://www.blockvalue.com)专业币圈媒体,重点关注炒币本身。】 1. 概念 CDN 是什么 内容分发网络(CDN, Content Delivery Network )是由分布在不同区域的节点服务器群组成的分布式网络,通过一定规则将互联网网站、网络视频、网络游戏等内容源推送到接近用户的网络边缘节点服务器,使用户可以就近取得所需的内容,是缓解互联网网络拥塞,提高互联网业务响应速度,改善用户业务体验的重要手段。 详细介绍参考维基百科:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network
区块链(Blockchain )是指通过去中心化和去信任的方式集体维护一个可靠数据库的技术方案。该技术方案主要让参与系统中的任意多个节点,通过一串使用密码学方法相关联产生的数据块( block),每个数据块中包含了一定时间内的系统全部信息交流数据,并且生成数据指纹用于验证其信息的有效性和链接( chain)下一个数据库块。【玩币族(http://www.blockvalue.com)专业币圈媒体,重点关注炒币本身。】 详细介绍参考维基百科: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_chain_(database) ![]() 分享经济是什么 分享经济(Sharing Economy ),也被称为点对点经济 (Peer to peer economy) 、协作经济、协同消费,是一个建立在人与物质资料分享基础上的社会经济生态系统。如 Uber 详细介绍参考维基百科: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharing_economy ![]() 2. BlockCDN 将给市场带来的哪些改变 CDN 的现状: 在网站数量,网站内容,视频直播,视频质量等高速增加的情况下,全球CDN的建设规模和市场规模不断增大。据 PRWeb网站日前发布的micromarketmonitor 相关报告中的数据: CDN市场规模预计将从 2014年的 37.034亿美元增长到2019 年的121.637亿美元,期间营收年复合增长率为 26.9%。并未来很长时间都会保持高速增加的发展势头。
以下图片来源于:https://www.akamai.com ![]() BlockCDN 的优势: A、因为 BlockCDN 是基于区块链、分布式 CDN、智能调度 DNS 技术,让全球网络用户将自己的闲置上网设备分享出来作为 CDN 的数据缓存节点并为就近的访问用户提供数据上传服务。从而得到相应的回报。随着参与的人们越多,成为的 CDN 节点越丰富。将形成一张全球性的分布式 CDN 网络,革命性的改变现有的 CDN 运营模式,以达到资源的充分利用、缓存节点的无限接近、访问速度的大幅提升、网络堵塞的有效缓解。并让节点分享者无论在遛狗、逛街、吃饭、看电影 -------他的节点都在为他提供收益! B、随着网站内容、视频点播、视频直播、 APP 应用的日益丰富。网络拥堵越来越严重,客户的访问体验逐渐下降。并昂贵的 CDN 加速费用还在不断的剥削网站主的利润。 BlockCDN 作为一个自助的 CDN 交易市场,让网站主和分享者能够自由、平等、透明的交易,并分布CDN 让网站主的加速费用降低 90%!并获得更快更好的 CDN 服务! 以下是全球传统 CDN 巨头公司: Akamai 和 Verizon 同 BlockCDN 的价格比较:
C、BlockCDN 交易平台的支付。 BlockCDN 将基于 ETH 发行交易平台流通的代币 BCDN,解决全球分享者和加速需求者的交易支付问题。并 BCDN 代币的发行数量是固定的不会增加也不会减少,有限的代币为庞大的不断高速增长的 CDN 交易市场服务。 D 、BlockCDN 的可衍生产品丰富,在有效的分享节点建立后, BlockCDN 团队可以退出如:云计算、云存储等衍生产品。可增加项目的发展活力的同时也增加节点的收益,加强节点的粘度。【玩币族(http://www.blockvalue.com)专业币圈媒体,重点关注炒币本身。】 3. 如何投资 BlockCDN 1、 加入 BlockCDN 成为分享节点: 分享你的闲置上网设备,让它们变成 CDN 的缓存节点。并当附近的访问客户需要帮助时提供上传流量。这样做不但能使你得到不错的收益,还充分利用了资源,帮助缓解了互联网的网络堵塞。当大家都加入分享变成节点后,也提高了自己的访问体验。 2、 加入 BlockCDN 购买您的 CDN : 加入 BlockCDN ,来这个透明的、公开的、公平的自助交易平台选购最适合你自己的 CDN 服务。BlockCDN 的分布式 CDN、智能调度,分层发布、动态部署、动态防御 DDOS 等核心技术保障了你不但能得到节点更多、速度更快、数据更安全、价格更便宜的 CDN 服务。你还支持了能源的分享再利用,促使了节点的增长,这样也更加促进了你的网站被访问速度更快,访问体验更提高,也更易得到更便宜和优质的 CDN 服务。 3、 参与 BlockCDN 的众筹: BlockCDN 是最新的分享交易平台,是最新的商业模式。由于它的加入,将会对 CDN 行业带来一次革命,如同 UBER 对出租车行业的革命。可能会有数以万计的 CDN 从业人员失去他们的工作。但这是技术发展的必然。当然,如果你看好 BlockCDN 未来的发展,你可以选择成为缓存节点,也可以选择参与 BlockCDN 在不久将来的 BCDN 代币众筹。根据 CDN 市场的增长和恒定数量的 BCDN 的展望,BCDN 需要全流通在 120 亿美元的市场,那么 BCDN 的价格将到达多少 它又是怎样一个投资品 这应该需要额外解释了吧! 下图为 ETH 在 Poloniex 的价格走势:
4. 投资 BlockCDN 的条款和风险有哪些 BlockCDN 众筹条款: A、BCDN 发行总数量 10 亿个。其中众筹后剩余总量 50%的 BCDN 作为项目启动后 3 年内奖励参与成为分享节点的参与者。 BCDN 以挖矿的方式发放。挖矿是根据节点上传的流量的数量进行发放。以后不再增加和减少 BCDN 数量,就恒定数量参与 CDN 交易的全流通。 B、'Token'合约的编制,使用 Solidity(Reitwiessner and Wood [2015]) 编写。每一个合约包含成员变量和函数,这样外部就可以通过向以太坊网络发送交易的方式来访问,以 BCDN 合约地址为接受者,方法 ID(参数可选)为数据。直接发送 ETH 到合约指定地址完成众筹。 C、合约是根据时间变量,并设定最低和最高 BCDN 众筹总量,众筹总时间为 28 天。众筹所得到的 BCDN 数量按规则可变, 以鼓励更早的投资者,单价比例:1ETH=1000BCDN 具体规则为: 第一周和第二周:1ETH=1000BCDN, 第一个两天:1ETH=1000*95%BCDN, 第二个两天: 1ETH=1000*95%*95%BCDN, 第三个两天: 1ETH=1000*95%*95%*95%BCDN, 第四个两天: 1ETH=1000*95%*95%*95%*95%BCDN, 第五个两天: 1ETH=1000*95%*95%*95%*95%*95%BCDN, 第六个两天: 1ETH=1000*95%*95%*95%*95%*95%*95%BCDN, 第七个两天: 1ETH=1000*95%*95%*95%*95%*95%*95%*95%BCDN. D、众筹会员推广奖励,推荐会员众筹可以得到其众筹 BCDN 总量的 5%的奖励。在众筹结束后自动发送到推荐人钱包。 E、所有 BCDN 的初期 ICO 持有人可以得到 BlockCDN 前 3 年推广期内营业额总额的 40%的奖励,3 年后将不再发放奖励。每月按总量平均发送到持有人钱包。但初期 ICO 后发生过转移流通的代币都不在奖励之列,并最小奖励大于或等于 1ETH 价值量,不够的顺延累计。剩余 60%作为 CDN 技术革新、团队维持、平台维护和更新等支出。 F、众筹的 28 天期间设置投资反悔期,凡在该时间段内并众筹总额未达到最高设定限额前想退出的投资者可以将 BCDN 发送到指定的钱包,BlockCDN 按 1ETH=1000BCDN 退回投资款。 G、本次众筹总金额低于 15 万个 ETH 为众筹失败,所有已收到的 ETH 返还投资人,代币作废。并全部会员推荐奖励取消。并 ICO 总金额到达最高限额 40 万个 ETH 时 ICO 成功并即刻终止,同时反悔机制停止。 BlockCDN 投资风险: The Creation of BlockCDN tokens carries with it significant risk. Prior to Creating BlockCDN tokens, carefully consider the exemplary and non-exhaustive list of risks set forth below and, to the extent necessary, consult a lawyer, accountant, and/or tax professionals prior to Creating BlockCDN tokens. 1. Risk of Security Weaknesses in The BlockCD N’s Software The BlockCDN concept is both experimental in nature and unproven. There is a risk that, as an open source project, any contributor to The BlockCDN’s software could introduce weaknesses or bugs into the BlockCDN software, causing the loss of BlockCDN tokens or ETH in one or more or even all of the BlockCDN Token Holder ’s accounts. 2. Risk of Weakness in the BlockCDN underlying blockchain, and/or Ethereum Network The BlockCDN software is itself based on an unproven platform: the Ethereum blockchain. There is a risk that, as an open source project, any contributor to the Ethereum blockchain could introduce weaknesses or bugs into the Ethereum software, causing the loss of BlockCDN tokens or ETH in one or more or even all of the BlockCDN Token Hold er ’s accounts. 3. Risk of unforeseen attack vectors The field of Digital Cryptography is very new and for this reason, there is a risk of unforeseen attack both in terms of the underlying cryptographic protocol that back the functioning of the BlockCDN as well as 'game theory' related vectors which have not been documented to date. Both these vectors represent a risk that could lead the loss of BlockCDN tokens or ETH in one or more or even all of the BlockCDN Token Holder ’s accounts. 4. Regulatory risks Blockchain technology and Ethereum are allowing new forms of interactions between individuals and/or companies, some of them are still to be imagined and implemented. Like with the appearance of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, it is very likely that specific regulations will be set in different jurisdictions targeting blockchain technology and more specifically BlockCDNs. These regulations may or may not be BlockCDN friendly and some might even forbid any relationships between an individual or company and a BlockCDN. Taxation No party involved with the Creation of The BlockCDN makes any representations concerning the tax implications of the Creation of BlockCDN tokens or the possession or use of BlockCDN tokens. You bear the sole responsibility to determine if the Creation of BlockCDN tokens or the potential appreciation or depreciation in the value of BlockCDN tokens over time has tax implications for you in your home jurisdiction. You Create BlockCDN tokens with your own actions. To the extent permitted by law, Third Parties or Individuals associated with the Creation of The BlockCDN are not liable for any tax liability associated with or arising from the Creation of BlockCDN tokens. Forward looking statements This document contains statements that are, or may be deemed to be, “forward looking statements” which are prospective in nature. These forward looking statements may be identified by the use of forward looking terminology, or the negative ther eof such as “outlook”, "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "continues", "assumes", "is subject to", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "aims", "forecasts", "risks", "intends", "positioned", "predicts", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words or comparable terminology and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", “shall”, "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Such statements are qualified in their entirety by the inherent risks and uncertainties surrounding future expectations. Forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts, but rather on current predictions, expectations, beliefs, opinions, plans, objectives, goals, intentions and projections about future events, results of operations, prospects, financial condition and discussions of strategy. By their nature, forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond anyone's control. Forward looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and may and often do differ materially from actual results. Important factors that could cause these uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those discussed in the “Risks and uncertainties” of this document. None of the third parties provide any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements in this document will actually occur. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward- looking statements which only speak as of the date of this document. All third parties involved with the BlockCDN Creation and their affiliates expressly disclaim any intention, obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The making of this document does not constitute a recommendation regarding any securities. Disclaimer of Warranties THE USER EXPRESSLY AGREES THAT THE USER IS CREATING BlockCDN TOKENS AT THE USER’S SOLE RISK AND THAT BlockCDN TOKENS ARE CREATED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (EXCEPT ONLY TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW WITH ANY LEGALLY REQUIRED WARRANTY PERIOD TO THE SHORTER OF THIRTY DAYS FROM FIRST USE OR THE MINIMUM PERIOD REQUIRED). WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, NONE OF THIRD PARTIES OR INDIVIDUALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BlockCDN CREATION WARRANT THAT THE PROCESS FOR PURCHASING BlockCDN TOKENS WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. Limitations Waiver of Liability YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY ANY APPLICABLE LAW, YOU WILL NOT HOLD THIRD PARTIES OR INDIVIDUALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BlockCDN CREATION LIABLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES OR INJURY WHATSOEVER CAUSED BY OR RELATED TO USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, BlockCDN TOKENS OR THE BlockCDN PLATFORM UNDER ANY CAUSE OR ACTION WHATSOEVER OF ANY KIND IN ANY JURISDICTION, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ACTIONS FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY, BREACH OF CONTRACT OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) AND THAT NONE OF THE THIRD PARTIES OR INDIVIDUALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BlockCDN CREATION SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, GOODWILL OR DATA, IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, OR CREATION OF, OR INABILITY TO CREATE, BlockCDN TOKENS. YOU FURTHER SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE THIRD PARTIES OR INDIVIDUALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BlockCDN CREATION ARE NOT LIABLE, AND YOU AGREE NOT TO SEEK TO HOLD ANY OF THE THIRD PARTIES OR INDIVIDUALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BlockCDN CREATION LIABLE, FOR THE CONDUCT OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING OTHER CREATORS OF BlockCDN TOKENS, AND THAT THE RISK OF CREATING AND USING BlockCDN TOKENS RESTS ENTIRELY WITH YOU. 5. BlockCDN 在技术上如何实现 如何在将闲置设备变成 CDN 缓存节点BlockCDN 是基于开源 Squid,结合 SDK 和 P2P 技术开发的智能 CDN 节点部署软件。充分发挥了 P2P 和传统 CDN 的智能节点调度和 SDK 实现数据串行变并行、单路变多路,算法与协议可长期持续优化,且100%防盗链防劫持的多重优点。轻松让智能设备升级为 CDN 节点。BlockCDN 团队充分掌握和利用分布式 CDN、智能调度,分层发布、动态部署、动态防御 DDOS 等核心技术优势。有效的实现了互联网热门领域如:游戏下载、移动应用、视频点播、智能硬件和在线直播等的加速服务。并团队计划研发以分布 CDN 节点为基础的衍生产品:云计算和云存储。 Squid 开源代码如下:https://github.com/squid-cache/squid 如何运用区块链智能合约完成支付 ![]() 上面的图片是操作框架。 钱包:数字钱包保持令牌(BCDN)。钱包可以在自助平台购买 CDN 加速量,通过输入需要加速网站和加速流量大小,流量单价。 CDN 需求者:为网站,通过虚拟钱包买了自己需求的 CDN 服务 分享者:通过闲置的 PC、路线、电视盒、手机等可以成为 CDN 缓存节点和为网站提供分布式加速,根据上传流量获得相应的 BlockCDN 代币 。 交易平台:用户可以通过第三方交易平台购买和出售 BCDN。
以上图片为 CDN 加速采购流程。 用户可以通过交易和官网众筹获得代币 BCDN 并保存它在钱包。 需要加速的网站主只要将需要加速的域名和加速流量以及 bcdn 需要支付数量输入 BlockCDN平台。
上面的图片是 bcdn 获得、交易过程。 节点分享者通过上传上传加速流量根据区块链智能合约获得代币 BCDN,他可以将 BCDN保存在钱包。也可以在第三方交易平台出售或直接出售给需要 CDN 的客户。 交互所有数据所涉及的记录在 blockchain 随时可查,绝对公平正义和防修改。 CDN 需求者的网站所有者可以在自助服务平台 BlockCDN 发布自己网站的加速度任务和奖励,该网站的数据将被部署在全网的缓存节点并通过数据将分散的 SDK 来保护数据的安全性。当网站被缓存节点用户附近的用户访问时, DNS 智能调度和 P2P 的几个节点将为用户完成访问提供服务。节点缓存部署软件通过 API 提供上传数据(工作量)到 blockchain 节点。 blockchain 智能合同根据工作量奖励自动支付代币 BCDN 给节点分享者。 BCDN-PC 矿机原型展示版(v0.0.1)已经推出,欢迎进官网下载安装了解: BCDN 矿机功能展示:http://ethfans.org/topics/721 BlockCDN 技术白皮书:http://ethfans.org/topics/732 智能合同的初步开源如下: https://github.com/BlockChaincdn /* This file is contract of the BCDN. The BCDN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The BCDN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU lesser General Public License along with the BCDN.If not, see . */ contract blockcdn { mapping (address => uint256) balances; address public owner; string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; uint256 public totalSupply; uint256 public fundedSupply; uint256 public minFundedValue; bool public isFunded; uint256 closetime; /* This generates a public event on the blockchain that will notify clients */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); function blockcdn( string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol, uint256 _closetime, uint256 _minValue ){ owner = msg.sender;// Set owner of the contract name = _tokenName;// Set the name for display purposes symbol = _tokenSymbol;// Set the symbol for display purposes decimals = _decimalUnits;// Amount of decimals for display purposes closetime = _closetime;// Set fund closing time minFundedValue = _minValue;// Set minimum funing goal isFunded = false;// Initialize fund succeed flag } /*query BCDN balance*/ function balanceOf( address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[_owner]; } /*send ethereum and get BCDN*/ function buyBlockCDN() returns (bool success){ if(now > closetime) throw; uint256 token = 0; if(closetime - 2 weeks > now) { token = msg.value; }else { uint day = (now - (closetime - 2 weeks))/(2 days) + 1; token = msg.value; while( day > 0) { token=token * 95 / 100 ; day -= 1; } } balances[msg.sender] += token; fundedSupply += token; balances[owner] = fundedSupply /2; totalSupply =balances[owner] + fundedSupply; if(fundedSupply > minFundedValue) { isFunded = true; } Transfer(this, msg.sender, token); return true; } /*refund 'msg.sender' in the case the Token Sale didn't reach ite minimum funding goal*/ function reFund() returns (bool success) { if(now > closetime) throw; msg.sender.send(balances[msg.sender]); fundedSupply -= balances[msg.sender]; balances[owner] = fundedSupply /2; totalSupply =balances[owner]+ fundedSupply; balances[msg.sender] = 0; Transfer(msg.sender, this, balances[msg.sender]); return true; } /* Send coins */ function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) { if(now < closetime)throw;//Closed fund allow transfer if (balances[msg.sender] < _value) throw;// Check if the sender has enough if (balances[_to] + _value < balances[_to]) throw;// Check for overflows balances[msg.sender] -= _value;// Subtract from the sender balances[_to] += _value;// Add the same to the recipient Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);// Notify anyone listening that this transfer took place return true; } /*send reward*/ function sendRewardBlockCDN(address rewarder, uint256 value) returns (bool success) { if(msg.sender != owner) throw; if(now <= closetime) throw; if( balances[owner] < value) throw; balances[rewarder] += value; balances[owner] -= value; Transfer(owner, rewarder, value); return true; } /*withDraw ethereum when closed fund*/ function withDrawEth(uint256 value) returns (bool success) { if(now <= closetime ) throw; if(this.balance < value) throw; if(msg.sender != owner) throw; msg.sender.send(value); return true; } } 6. 总结 BlockCDN 作为一个自助的 CDN 交易平台,通过区块链智能合约公平、公开、透明地连接CDN 的需求方和提供方,能有效的将 CDN 价格降低 90%的全新分享经济。并使得加速节点无限覆盖并无处不在,让网速更快、网络占用更少,让全网网络闲置用户的闲置设备都能在不额外增加投入的情况下,分享上传流量而得到不错收益的平台。这将是 CDN 行业的一次伟大革命!(http://www.blockvalue.com/xinbi/blockcdn/201610277816.html) [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_chain_(database) [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharing_economy —- 编译者/作者:BlockCDN 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2016-10-27 BlockCDN 来源:玩币族
- 上一篇:BlockCDN技术白皮书
- 下一篇:BCDN矿机功能展示
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